What is the Sports Premium?

Funding for 2024-2025

Allocations for the academic year 2024 to 2025 are calculated using the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.

The premium must be spent by schools on making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE, physical activity and sport for the benefit of all pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  • the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  • the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • increased participation in competitive sport

Our PE Curriculum Vision and Strategy

Research has proven a clear link between the health and wellbeing of students and their educational outcomes and this is at the forefront of our PE programme.

At St Joseph and St Bede R.C. Primary School we are committed to providing our pupils with up to 2 hours of high quality P.E. each week. All pupils are involved in our physical exercise program during curriculum time, which includes a variety of activities designed to challenge and inspire the children. The curriculum map includes activities such as athletics, gymnastics, dance, invasion games, basketball, hockey, track and field events and swimming. We strongly believe that Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum as it helps develop pupils’ team work skills, physical ability and confidence, developing their capacity to use these skills to perform a range of activities.

As well as these curriculum activities, St Joseph and St Bede R.C. Primary School provides every child with the opportunity to take part in enrichment clubs/teams after school, covering a wide range of sports.

Our P.E. curriculum in action

Strong links, coupled with the continued hard work and effort invested in P.E. at St. Joseph & St Bede, allow the school to consistently improve the level and quality of sport on offer each year, both within the school day and at after school clubs.

Click here to go to our curriculum page for PE.


We track our children’s swimming attainment

Our children go swimming in Year 3 & 5 so that they can go again in further years if they do not reach the expectations.

End of Ks2:

47.7% at age related expectations,


How we aim to use the funding?

The governors and staff have agreed to spend the funding on: At St Joseph and St Bede R.C. Primary school we use this funding to support the further challenging and inspiring of pupils against the following key indicators;

  • Key indicator 1; providing specialist P.E. coaches; a. raising the confidence, knowledge, skills and competence levels of both teaching staff and pupils during PE curriculum time and b. broadening the range of sports and activities offered to children.
  • Key indicator 2; providing a wide range of sporting after school clubs for the children
  • Key indicator 3; developing our range of PE equipment and resources
  • Key indicator 4; increasing participation in competitive sports, within and across schools
  • Key indicator 5; increasing engagement with organised physical activity across the lunch time period
  • Key indicator 6; developing skills of effective teamwork;  respect, resilience, perseverance and fair play.

The budget will be reviewed on a termly basis and adjustments will be made according to the needs of the pupils and staff of St. Joseph & St Bede RC Primary School

Anticipated impact

  • continuation of high quality Physical Education within Physical Education session.
  • more sporting activities available after school.
  • increased attendance at extra-curricular activities.
  • children trying new sports and activities.
  • programme created to enable all children to attend, not just children who are talented.
  • increased attendance and success at sporting competitions.
  • continuing intra school’s competitions.