Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the Science curriculum at St Joseph & St Bede.

At St. Joseph and St. Bede, we believe that Science is a pathway to uncovering the true wonders of God’s creation. Our Science Curriculum, aligned with the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, is designed to promote a sense of awe and wonder at the natural world around us; develop critical thinking skills in our children and encourage them to make connections across the wider curriculum. We encourage children to be inquisitive throughout their time at the school and beyond. Our Science curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity in children about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living and a love of God’s creation.

In our Science lessons, we ensure that both our pupils’ substantive and disciplinary knowledge is built upon year on year. We ensure all children are exposed to high-quality Science teaching and a range of learning experiences that spark wonder. Science teaching is carefully sequenced to ensure a clear progression of substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge. Each lesson is designed to explore and build on children’s prior knowledge, allowing for misconceptions to be addressed effectively.

The substantive knowledge builds progressively to develop children’s understanding of concepts, models, laws and theories. It is organised into the following four areas:

  • Biology – Living things and their habitats and reproduction, inheritance and evolution
  • Chemistry – States of matter and materials
  • Physics – Energy and Forces
  • Earth Science – Earth and space

The disciplinary knowledge builds progressively to enable children to work scientifically and covers the following aspects:

  • Methods used to answer questions
  • Using apparatus and techniques
  • Data analysis
  • Using evidence to develop explanations

We design and deliver a broad and balanced science curriculum which stimulates and maintains children’s natural curiosity, awe and wonder. Key scientists, significant discoveries and theories are studied, to give the children a real-life understanding of concepts taught. Deeper thinking is encouraged through the use of a ‘Enquiry Question’ in every lesson. Where possible, real-life examples are used in lessons to give our children a deeper understanding of these concepts.



Please click here to view the National Curriculum.

Our Science Lead is Mrs Gunn.

See below for our Science Latest News:

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