With Christ at the centre, our DREAM is for greatness in our learning.




to BELIEVE in our unique talents,





to be ‘Guardians of life and creation’ and to ACHIEVE a better world, by living life to the full.



Our Children – What do they deserve?

Dedicated teachers and support staff, who deliver art ambitious curriculum, rooted in Christ Jesus.
Reliable, caring and responsible adults who promote our core values of being loving, compassionate and hopeful.
Engaging, inspiring and creative lessons, that promote a love of learning and a sense of awe and wonder.
An inclusive school community, that celebrates diversity, embraces each child’s individual gift and nurtures their unique talents.
Moral, social, cultural and spiritual growth through engagement in local, national and international issues and opportunities to live the Word with their Head, Hands and Hearts.

The Gospel values are at the heart of Catholic life and here at St. Joseph & St. Bede and the golden thread that runs through our whole curriculum. We are proud to work in partnership with families and Parish to promote and teach children about the Gospel values.


Our Mission Team – What do we embody?

Belief that all pupils deserve the very best and a dedication to each pupil, enabling them to achieve their personal potential
Endeavour for excellence in all we do
Lead by example, being involved in the wider life of the school and community
Inspirational teaching and learning
Evaluation and reflection on our practice so that we may adapt our teaching to meet the needs of our pupils so that all can achieve
Vibrant learning environments, that are dyslexic friendly, supportive of high-quality teaching and enhance learning
Effective communication with all those in our valued school community

Our Outcomes – What do we strive for?

A school that is rooted in. the love of Christ
Children who feel safe, secure and know that they are loved and valued
Hopeful and faith-filled learners, who strive to achieve a better world
lnsightful young people, who ask Big Questions and show curiosity and wonder
Engaged learners, who aspire to make progress in. their learning and try their best in all they do
Various wider opportunities, through experiences, clubs, visitors and whole school events
Empathetic young people, who dream of greatness in their learning and understand that they are guardians of life and creation

Promoting British Values at St Joseph and St Bede RC Primary School

The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated again in 2014.  At St Joseph and St Bede, these values, which can also be found in our Gospel Values, are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:

  • Democracy

Each year the children complete work on the school rules, and their rights associated with these. We have school ambassadors, elected by members of each class, which aims to meet every week with the Miss Myerscough, to discuss issues raised in class council meetings. The council genuinely able to effect change within the school. Every child on the student council is valued and important. The council elects a chair and a vice chair. Children have an annual questionnaire where they are able to put forward their views about the school.

In addition to school ambassadors, we also have a G.I.F.T team, Caritas ambassadors, Farm ambassadors, sports ambassadors and Eco ambassadors who have been elected by their peers. Our G.I.F.T team work together to promote both the values of God’s kingdom and our British values such as democracy, justice and tolerance in school.

  • The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced at St Joseph and St Bede.  We have a comprehensive system of rewards and sanctions within school. We promote and reward consistently good behaviour, both in class rewards, personal rewards and Head-teacher awards.

Pupils are taught from an early age the rules of the school and they are displayed in each classroom.

Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message. Messages and key themes are reinforced through school worship and assemblies, as well as in topic work, PSHE and in class worship.

Each year, Year 6 attend the ‘Crucial Crew’ workshops in Bury, introducing them to law enforcement teams and other agencies in Bury that they will come across and work with, as they transition to High School.  

  • Individual Liberty

At St Joseph and St Bede, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make informed choices, through a safe environment and an empowering education.  Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our eSafety and PSHE lessons. Children have an annual questionnaire where they are able to put forward their views about the school.

Pupils are encouraged to submit ideas for change to their class councillors, who can take the issues to school council meetings and add them to the regular agenda.

  • Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect. Children are encouraged to show respect to all adults and members of our school community. Children are also encouraged, through our school rules, to show respect for their environment and the school property. This again, will promote values that the children can transfer to life outside school, and later life. We strive to support our children in becoming well rounded and positive British and Global citizens.

  • Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

St Joseph and St Bede is a catholic school, with a diverse school community. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. We celebrate inter-faith week, international week, and have a global link with ‘The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians College – Dagoretti – Salesian Sisters”.

Religious Education lessons and PSHE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. These themes are celebrated and promoted through the gospel values weekly during whole school worship, class worship and key stage worship. Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.