We make a really positive difference developing children…and we believe we do this better than any other residential provider.
Suggested Clothing List
There is no need to go out and buy anything special for a trip to Robinwood, all specialist equipment is provided for our on-centre activities.
The clothing list given includes clothing being worn on the journey, so for example assuming you are wearing socks and underwear on your journey to Robinwood, you only need to pack 5 pairs of each!
3 T-shirts (not vest type)
3 Sweatshirts/(long sleeved) tops
3 Pairs of trousers
2 Pairs of shorts (mid thigh or longer for harness comfort)
6 Sets of underwear
6 Pairs of socks
1 Pair of trainers
1 Pair of outdoor shoes/boots
2 Towels
1 Coat (ideally waterproof, required for walk to and from centre)
1 Warm hat/sun hat
1 Pair of gloves
1 Set of nightwear
1 Bag of toiletries (including suntan lotion/insect repellent in warm weather)
1 Black bin liner
Notes on the suggested clothing
1. We have a drying room and also provide a laundry facility for children’s clothing at Robinwood. Wet and/or dirty clothing will be washed on a 30 degree cycle and dried in a tumble drier. Please do not bring any new or expensive items, or any items which cannot be tumble dried. Please note that for water activities on the last day we cannot always offer this service.
2. As a result of the provision of specialist Robinwood clothing and the laundry facility offered, children do not need to bring much additional clothing with them. Keeping the clothing brought by children to a minimum helps us to reduce lost property.
3. Due to the nature of the activities it is possible that clothes may occasionally get damaged. All clothing should be suitable for use in an outdoor, and often muddy, environment. Old clothes are best, not new or expensive clothing.
4. Outdoor shoes/boots. Walking boots are great for this, but a strong pair of shoes would be suitable and trainers would be ok. in fine, dry weather. You definitely don’t need to buy walking boots especially for the Robinwood trip. Robinwood provide wellies when appropriate.
5. Jeans are not suitable for our activities, as they are cold and restrictive when wet and difficult to dry. Leggings are not really suitable for outdoor activities, however tracksuits or jogging bottoms are ideal, but other trousers would also be fine.
6. In hot weather sun lotion and insect repellent are strongly recommended. In cold weather it would be good idea to bring some warm gloves.
7. Please ensure, wherever possible, that items brought to Robinwood are marked with the child’s name. It is really helpful if the school name can also be indicated. We do our very best to return all property to the children that it belongs to. This is made much easier if items are named.
Items NOT to bring
8. Please do not bring items such as mobile phones, any type of cameras (including disposables), computer games, iPads/tablets, personal stereos, expensive watches etc.
9. Although at some centres you are asked to bring your own bedding, there is no need to do this at Robinwood as all bedding is provided.
10. Please do not bring any aerosol sprays. Our fire alarm is sensitive in order to ensure high standards of fire safety and aerosols sprayed near any of the many smoke alarm sensors can set off the fire alarm for the whole centre.