Nursery Admissions

To apply for a Nursery place please complete this online form which will automatically come to school. If you are applying after May 13th, please also email school to inform us of your application.

Reception Admissions

If you completed an online application you will be emailed directly. Any applications completed via paper you will need to contact admissions directly for confirmation over the phone.

Please email the school to confirm acceptance of the place and provide a copy of your child’s birth and Baptism certificates and we will reply as soon as possible to confirm receipt of the confirmation – Thank you.


In Year Primary School Application Form DIGITAL

Admission Policy 2022-2023


To appeal against a decision we use Bury LA and the information can be found here:


a) The governing body is the admissions authority. The admissions committee is comprised of the following governors: Chair of governors, Parish Priest and Headteacher.

b) The Local Authority Primary Admissions Handbook which gives details of the co-ordinated admission arrangements will be available in the Autumn Term prior to admission.

c) Parents must complete a common application form and express a preference for primary school admission. The closing date for all applicants is 15th January 2023. All applicants will be considered by the governors at the same time in a fair way according to the published criteria. A link to the online form can be found here:

Useful Links can be found on the Bury Council Website