Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the Music curriculum at St Joseph & St Bede.
At St Joseph and St Bede, we believe Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. It transcends different cultures, abilities and generations. Listening to and making music fulfils an instinctive human need for self-expression and creativity. It stimulates responses both on emotional and intellectual levels. Music is an integral part of our broad and balanced curriculum here at St Joseph and St Bede as well as a central part of our weekly worships and celebration of the Word, where we use our voices to praise our Lord.
How music is taught at SJSB?
Curriculum music lessons are informed by the Model Music Curriculum (non-statutory guidance for music teaching) and provide pupils with opportunities to:
- Listen to and evaluate music from diverse time periods and cultures.
- Learn how to create and control sound using their voices, as well as tuned and untuned instruments.
- Understand how music is communicated through various notation systems.
- Improvise and compose music.
- Perform musically in front of audiences of varying sizes.
- Learn the glockenspiel and other percussion instruments alongside their music learning. Mr Janosko (music specialist) teaches music to KS1 and KS2 using the Kapow Music Scheme. Music lessons are taught every other half term for an hour a week. However, each week, pupils are fully immersed in our singing worship, and enjoy the chance to sing together as a school choir. We strongly believe that Music can be a lifelong source of pleasure. We believe it is education for life.
Our Music Lead is Mrs Bond.
See below for our Music Latest News:
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